Hello, I'm Colleen!

MScBMC, BSc Hons 

I am a visual artist trained to communicate science. I love coming up with creative and fun ways to visually explain abstract concepts and tell stories, and am an avid advocate for accessible, inclusive resources, and better healthcare for all. I personally want to help the community at large by telling stories and helping others tell their own.

Work interests

- Student and/or patient education

- Interactive media and game design

- Mental health education

- Graphic medicine

- Opportunities to increase the representation of minority groups in media

-...any project I can learn and grow from (even non-science related).

Currently available for: Remote part-time/contract freelance projects

Abbreviated CV (Full CV on LinkedIn)


2017 - 2019

MSU Biomedical Communications

Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine  |  University of Toronto

Mississauga & Toronto, Ontario, Canada

2013 - 2017

Hon BSc Psychology, Neuoscience & Behaviour (Mental Health sp.), Summa cum laude

Faculty of Science  |  McMaster University

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


2021 - present

Freelance Designer, Illustrator, and Writer

Self-employed; based in Boston, MA

public education, entertainment, and the general public—to facilitate the creation of visual solutions tailored to their needs

July 2022 - October 2024

Associate Medical IIlustrator

Osso VR Inc., VR Surgical Training & Assessment Platform, USA Remote

Additional responsibilities outside of job description:

September 2019 - August 2021

Graphic Designer

GoInvo, Health Tech Design and Consulting Firm, Arlington, MA, USA

Additional responsibilities outside of job description:

Select Presentations

> Select Publications

 Select Awards